Join Lorien Fenton, Robert Perala and Dave Scott as we kick off UFO CON 2021!

Join TOM DANHEISER of Coast to Coast AM as our Game Show Host and panelist: Lorien Fenton, Paul Hynek, Melinda Leslie, Robert Perala and Dave Scott as they “lie” about who is the owner of an “item” – eventually revealed to the audience. Winners will receive prizes from our sponsors.

Legendary Wright-Patterson Air Force Base: An Insider’s Perspective
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) near Dayton, Ohio, has been at the center of the UFO storm since the beginning of the modern age of UFO’s. Ray’s presentation will explore WPAFB’s core controversies of UFO’s, ET’s, Men In Black, Hangar 18, and others, from the perspective of a former Air Force senior scientist who worked and observed on the base for nearly forty years. Ray will also offer a sneak peek of his upcoming book, the final one in the Alien Shades of Greys Trilogy.

Are Aliens Machine Elves?
For many people, UFOs = Extraterrestrials. What if the truth is even more complicated than garden variety nuts and bolts craft coming here from Zeta Reticuli? We say “Experiencers” because there is more to encounters than just a visual sighting, and many have believed for some time that there is more to the phenomenon than ETs. Join Paul as he takes us into a wormhole that even UFO buffs may feel is out there.

High Tech Work Underway To Aid UAP/UFO Observation
We will discuss high tech efforts and methods to help aid gathering verifiable evidence of UAP beyond just video. And, Robert will tell us about his “experiences” to start off this interesting, science packed, presentation.

Rendlesham Revisited: A New Perspective of the UFO Reality
What really happened at Rendlesham, Suffolk, England in 1980? Are there any truths to the fact that the American Military stationed at Bentwaters had encountered UFO sightings over the Christmas period and which had also, seemingly, compromised National Security? Examining the evidence, Philip Kinsella brings forward several theorical applications which points to the fact that Rendlesham forest appears to be no stranger to the bizarre.
The famous 1980 event was NOT the only incident which heralded the appearance of UFOs, along with paranormal activity, as many believe. The author has personally researched and examined the area and concludes that we may be dealing with a phenomenon which interacts on a personal level of the psyche. This may open doors to new areas of research, and of which the scientific community is steadfast in refuting. So many rational explanations towards the events have hit the media outlets, but the truth is far stranger than fiction.

Disclosure Fallout: The Impact on Contactees
Since we may very well be getting Official Disclosure this year, what does that mean for the contactee/abductee community? Is it good for us or could there be possible pitfalls? Could there be legal concerns and how would we address those?
Melinda will share about the formation of a coalition in UFOlogy to address these issues and support contactees, legally if necessary, through these changing and possibly challenging times. We will include time for discussion of the online audience’s concerns and questions on Disclosure’s impact on contactees.

Grab your sandwich and favoirite beverage; and turn up the volume! ROBERT PERALA will be our musical entertainment during our meal break.

ET’s, Angels And Everything In Between

Sometimes We Glow and Grab Their Attention: A Look At The Overlapping Experiences
By: “-i-“
When the lights come on. . . but we aren’t the ones who flipped the switch, what we see can be shocking or difficult to explain. Is it ghosts? Aliens? UFO’s? Angels? Demons? Government experiments? None of the above? Or. . . all of them simultaneously? Sometimes the best thing we can do for ourselves and others is to share our experiences no matter the range or scope. Sometimes the paranormal/ supernatural touches the interplanetary/ interdimensional without us understanding the rhyme or reason. Sometimes what we see is simply what was already in the “room” when the “lights” were out.


ONE: My Testimony to a Face-to-Face Physical Encounter and Experiencing the ET Consciousness
This is my testimony of a face-to-face encounter that took place in 1981 with several alien entities. I will detail the course of the contact as it happened, the way the communication between us was created and the content of the communication itself.
I will talk about the two stages of the encounter in which they appeared in front of me: 1) a preliminary stage as part of an out-of-body experience and 2) immediately afterward, face to face in full physical consciousness. I will address the experience of sharing the consciousness of the visitors. Their perception of reality and their space and magnitude of consciousness. Their awareness of the essence of creation – what we call God – and the way they see us.
I will share how the encounter affected me mentally and physically during and after the encounter; and the way I understood about how and the process of individual translation in which we experience the contact and communication with them. Also sharing my perspective of Who they are, where they came from, the reasons for the feeling of fear that often accompanies an encounter with them. And, what is their connection to us?
Finally, my point of view about the deeper purpose and meaning of the vision of fire (the repeated warning that many receive in different forms during the contact) – the individual ability and responsibility.

Alien Contact in Mexico Begins with Microbes Proliferating in Ancient Aquifer
In 2000, the mysterious 40 foot tall Selenite Crystals were discovered 1,000 feet below in a Silver mine in Mexico. 17 years later, research was released of the discovery of alien-like microbes found in the 550,000 year old crystal. Ms. Hutchison was one of the first explorers to step into these deadly crystal caves in 2001. Her images in these hostile conditions are some of the earliest photos that precedes NASA and NatGeo research by seven years.
After taking us on a well researched scientific adventure involving crystals and microbs, Leela will reveal for the first time her contact experiences.

Dirty Little Secret
Erin Montgomery reveals the “dirty little secret” that many people carry with them – a lifetime of ET contact. Along with traumatic experiences from implants as a child, being in the hybrid breeding program, and MILAB encounters, the effects of the trauma have created many difficulties for her that many may identify with. Follow Erin as she unwinds the process of coming to terms with the trauma, the continued ET contact, and how she has learned to work with the ET consciously. Erin will reveal the messages that she has received from the ETs about what they are wanting from humanity right now.

Join ROBERT PERALA as he plays music! The Beatles, Rock & Roll, The 80’s… who knows where he’ll go – we hope you enjoy it.

Devils Den: The Reckoning
New! DEVILS DEN: THE RECKONING published December 17, 2020 on Amazon. It was #1 in New Releases and a #1 Bestseller. All new material including: What Happened to Toby? The Irreducibility of the Brain and Consciousness (in plain English), and stories shared by readers of INCIDENT OF DEVILS DEN, including: An Alabama Man who met his Hybrid Child, Bizarre Accounts of Screen Memories, Incredible Sightings and Missing Time – plus much more. NO STOCK FOOTAGE IMAGES! Just straight talk and honest answers to your questions. Terry promises an engaging and entertaining hour and fifteen minutes.

This Investigator’s Discovery
My interest in UFOs came suddenly after an incident in the summer of 1969. My awareness changed, and from then on, I became obsessed with the UFO phenomenon. My presentation is a personal look at why I became a UFO Investigator and how I found out I was an Experiencer.